Sunday, January 23, 2011

Misconceptions about Islam!

What is Islam? I want to express my views on the behaviour of western community and media who link Islam with terrorism. They believe that Muslims are extrememists but in reality they are unaware from the teachings of Islam. Islam is a religion of love and peace but they link it with extremists who cut the necks of innocent people and do suicide attacks but in reality they have nothing to do with Islam. They are few in number and following their own agenda, for instance if we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan the suffers are millions in number and the extremists are few thousands in number. This extremists group continuously ruining the lives and assets of people.
          Islam says the murder of a single man is the murder of whole humanity. These people have their own views and objectives. The simple and clear example of above statement is the suffers of terrorism are the only people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Where people receive bomb blasts almost everyday. The purpose of writing above statements is, Islam is not the extremists are following but Islam is peace, love and light for people who had lost their way……     

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