Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is the democracy, future of Pakistan?

Pakistan came into existence in 1947 and from than we are struggling from Military rule.
Why Pakistan can’t able to become a democratic country?
There are certain reasons behind it; the democratic rule in our country is not continuous.
The main institutions of the country are not independent and powerful.
And another important thing is the lack of democracy and democratic attitude in our political parties.
Most importantly there is rule of law in the country; unfortunately the justice system in our country is very poor. I strongly believe that proper justice is the difference between the democratic rule and military rule.
I gave some blame to our political parties because when one party is ruling the other party tries his best to destabilize the government. And when a General takes up a government the other parties distributes sweets and organizes rallies in happiness, in this way we provide strength to dictators.
In the end I would like to say that if our politicians work with good faith and make important decisions with the consultation of other forces then the democracy will definitely be the future of Pakistan.

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